Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ty at 10 months

Ty just went in for his 9 month checkup (only one month late).  He was in the 25th percentile for weight (22 lbs) and 50th for height. Head circumference was about 76th so down a bit for our usual.  He is healthy and doing well.

  • Ty started crawling right about 9 1/2 months.  It started with arms doing most of the work and a funny shuffle with the legs (but on all fours)  
  • Ty likes food pretty well, he'll try a lot of foods, but he just always wants to play and explore.  He starts screaming if he is in the high chair very long because he wants to get down and play.
  • On that note, Ty is very curious and into everything.  Although it makes a mess and we have to be on constant watch, I'm so happy he is a healthy little boy and doing these things.  He is content to play and crawl around for a long time.
  • He likes having his brothers and sister around.  He kind of just plays near them and likes their company.
  • He loves tipping over the screen in front of the fireplace.  He is constantly crawling over and tips over and just watches it.  It's funny.
  • He has fallen down a few stairs, and somehow stopped himself after about 3, I don't know how, but we were both freaked out.
  • Ty is very happy.  He is so quick to smile--whether it is us or strangers.  He likes to laugh, and is just pretty laid back and happy.
  • Ty loves to put things in his mouth, but luckily doesn't swallow them.  It is so hard to keep everything picked up.  I can't believe what he finds in what I thought was a clean room.
  • He loves clapping, screaming and just experimenting with his voice.  He also started waving occasionally--it's adorable
We all adore him, he is kissed, hugged, and basically mauled a lot of the day (the other part he crawls around while we hurry and look for him before he tears something apart)  So glad to have Ty guy!  We love you!


Melissa said...

He is so adorable. In these pictures he is starting to look like himself instead of his brothers, if that makes sense. He is a unique sweet little boy!