Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas and the Flu

We had a VERY low key Christmas this year.  We went to Idaho the weekend before Christmas (pictures to come) and came home with the flu.  Ty started on the 22nd, Austin started the 23rd, Jeff and I started on the 24th.  Scott and Kate managed to never get it!

This is our Christmas Eve tradition--making gingerbread houses.  Only the three older kids made one, Austin's only got about half decorated.

Everyone got tough for Christmas morning.  Here are the kids, so excited to see what Santa brought them!

Scott and Dad putting his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toy together.

Ty was starting to feel human again (meaning he didn't have me cuddle him ALL DAY)

Austin playing with his Hot Wheels track. 

Ty still wanted a little cuddling--Jeff wasn't feeling great either.

Scott and Austin were so excited about their legos!

Ty really loved Kate's new jeep for her doll.  Here is his little slide to the left.  He really loves this one and plays on it a lot!

Let the building begin, here is Scott working on MetalBeard

Austin working on Museum Heist.

I laid on the couch 90% of the day feeling rotten, but after a full dose of ibuprofen I helped put legos together for a while.

Here are the kids in their Christmas pajamas.  (We were feeling too rotten Christmas Eve, the family game didn't even get opened until Christmas morning!)

 Austin, Kate holding Ty, Scott, we sure love our kiddos!!

Kate loving Ty

Ty loving his slide

Dad, Scott, and Austin playing Mancala with Kate

We did a lot of this through the holidays

After we were over it, Grandma and Grandpa came over to open presents.
We felt bad that we just laid on the couch and didn't play with the kids and their puzzles, legos on Christmas, but they were such good sports.  Kate and Scott were especially great, picking up slack for everyone, running and getting things we needed all day.  This Christmas season, we tried to do a lot of activities to bring our family closer to Christ and even though on the culmination, we were all feeling half alive, the kids all seemed to feel it.  It was a wonderful Christmas season!