Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Ty

Poor Ty.  His birthday was also a victim of the flu of 2014.  We do his big party in June, but were at least going to make a cake.  We opted for the cookie, and Ty didn't seem to mind.

 He thought his birthday money was pretty cool

We can't believe our little Ty-Ty is 2 years old.  He makes us all laugh so much and we all adore him.  He is definitely embracing toddlerhood--hitting, throwing things, but is also learning to say sorryand  give the sweetest hugs and kisses. Ty is continuing to learn to talk and there is a lot of babble, then all of a sudden, he pulls out something like "Grandma's house" which is said very often.  We love our little man, happy birthday!