Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy Birthday Austin and Scott

We celebrated these 2 cute boys' 6th birthday.  They are 2 special boys!

We started the festivities the night before their birthday.  Austin got to choose his favorite meal--breakfast for dinner.  We did French Toast and cheesy eggs.  Then we all went around and said something we like about Austin, or a favorite memory.

Later that night, Scott came down with a fever, poor bud, and there were some tears when he realized he wouldn't be able to go to school the next day for his birthday.

On the day of their birthday, both boys requested breakfast in bed and especially poppy seed muffins.

 Scott was still sleeping and was really tired, but here is Austin with his yummy breakfast.

 We let Austin and Scott open their presents that morning, Austin was very excited!

Scott feeling a little under the weather, but trying to get with it!

So excited for some birthday money!
 Scott, and Austin blowing out their birthday candles

Scott and Austin reading books, then watching some tv.

These 2 are such buddies, they play together all day every day and I can't remember seeing them fight (they don't always agree, though)  They just love each other.

A few recent things:
Scott at dinner time says, "Guess what my favorite thing in the whole wide world is."  Mom guesses family.  Scott says, no, that's second.  Soda pop is first.

Scott says, "What if my name was Mr.Mrs.?
Austin replies, "Yeah, then you would be a boy, but have long hair!"

At a BYU game, the 3 older kids had to go to the bathroom.  In the bathroom, Austin saw the urinal, and concerned, said, "Uh oh, we can't use the toilet, it doesn't have any batteries."

Both love their siblings and love to play with them so much

Favorite Color:  Red
Favorite Candy: Chocolate
Favorite Movie: Rescue Bots
-Still dances like a crazy man
-Has lots of energy--talks quickly, jumps around and gets excited and enthusiastic about a lot
-LOVES to read and is reading really well, about a 2nd grade level
-Likes to play with Jaxon, Grant, Thomas, Lindi, Cini, and Austin Birdsall

Favorite Color:  Blue
Favorite Candy: Cake
Favorite Movie: Rescue Bots
-Also enjoys reading and is also about a 2nd grade level
-Is definitely more laid-back than Austin
-Asks so many questions about everything (one of my favorite formats is What is the________ in the whole wide world?)
-Is learning to say his R's
-Likes to play with Jaxon, Grant, Thomas, Lindi, Cini, and Austin Birdsall

We are so blessed to have these 2 great boys in our life.  They have such cute personalities and add so much to our life!