Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Little Buddy

I had to document a few things this funny boy has been up to.

 You can constantly find him walking around the house wearing his favorite "blankie" like this.  The other day he ran into the desk edge that you see there pretty hard, I haven't seen Ty walking around like this since.

Ty loves trucks, cars, tractors and anything with wheels.

Ty loves wearing this BYU hat around and also loves everything BYU.  When he sees the Y, he starts singing the BYU fight song--especially the Ra Ra part.

After watching  enough times, Ty decided to try his hand at applying some mascara, he actually got some on his eyelashes.  (Not pictured:  The black spots all over the bathmat)

Ty loves carrying a stool all over the house.  We have 4 different stools for various rooms, so Ty almost always has one.

...and uses them to reach anything and everything.  These stools have really helped him wreak some havoc around the house.

Ty is also starting to talk like crazy.  My favorite is, "Ow, that hurt" which is said with a lot of feeling. He is getting good at repeating many things.  He jabbers constantly, and if you listen close, you hear lots of words, it's fun.

At dinner time, mom tries to sneak and get the croutons out, but inevitably, Ty hears that unmistakable crinkle sound, turns around and says, "Mom?" and gets his crouton.

He still is loving getting in toilets (we are worried he flushed something down one of them, so that is off limits for now), he loves sucking on everyone's toothbrush that is left out, pushing the buttons on the washer and dryer, playing with everything found under bathroom sinks, but especially, chasing after his older siblings.  We sure love this little buddy, even if he keeps us running!