Monday, April 10, 2017

Logan's first birthday

This boy!  We can't believe we have had him for a whole year!  He has been SO much work, SO much fun and we LOVE him to pieces!!

Logan has recently discovered how fun the dishwasher is.  When the older kids are clearing out the dishwasher, he comes crawling as fast as he can to "help" unload it.  For some reason, he loves the knives!

Ty and Logan are getting to be buddies.  Logan thinks Ty is the greatest, he busts up laughing at him when Ty does about anything.  (Ty is mostly tolerant, but keeps Logan grounded with comments like, "Logan isn't cuter than me")  It is pretty cute!

Logan loves playing with Dad.  He is always willing to squeal and laugh if anyone gives him some attention and fun.

We made Logan his own little birthday cake--yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  He was not too sure about the chocolate frosting, but he did love everyone around him laughing, singing to him, and just making a big fuss over him.

We love this little boy so much. He has such a pleasant and easy going personality.  He even decided to start sleeping through the night occasionally for us and when he does get up, it is usually just once.  Logan is almost always called "baby " still (in fact, it feels weird to refer to him as Logan).  I think this year though, he will get called Logan more because he just isn't such a baby anymore.  He loves getting around the house and getting into cupboards.  Under bathroom sinks are one of his great loves along with the tupperware drawer.  He really doesn't like baby toys, but he really loves any device with a screen.  We love you baby boy!