Saturday, April 15, 2017

Spring Break Staycation

The kids got a whole week off of school for the first time for Spring Break this year.  We really wanted to go somewhere fun, so we planned to go to Southern Utah to Arches National Park.  Sunday, everyone started getting a nasty cold so we decided we better just do a staycation.  Dad took a few days off of work, and we got to spend some great time together!

We went to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point first.  They had tons of baby animals, so that made it really fun.
Here is Ty feeding one of the goats some food.

Kate was really excited about seeing the horses, but also felt intimidated.

 Logan loved being out of the house and seeing some new things.

Scott, Kate, and Ty petting the baby goats.

Logan, Kate, Ty, Scott, and Austin waiting in line for pony rides

Austin on the pony


We got to go on a wagon ride pulled by a tractor just like Grandpa Durtschi's!



We also went to Trafalga.  We played a couple of games of Laser Tag, played Miniature Golf, and the kids got to go on a few rides

Here is Ty trying to retrieve a rocket 

Baby at the kids' soccer game

And finally, ice cream at Leatherby's

It was so fun to have some time together and have the kids home from school for a week.