Wednesday, November 15, 2017

November Happenings

Scott participated in Reflections at school--he drew a picture and here he is getting his award (Austin also participated and is not pictured)

Scott in the back, Austin, Ty, then Dad all at a BYU football game.

This is a very common sight in the house--monkey in the middle.  Kate and Austin playing catch on the edges, Dad and Ty in the middle trying to get the ball.

Logan loves to wake Ty up in the morning, and surprisingly, Ty doesn't mind.  These 2 boys💓

Scott decided he was ready to get a new bike, he bought this one with his own money (Mom and Dad paid half).  He has been loving it!

When Scott came home with this new spiffy bike, Austin decided to try his luck at DI.  Somehow, he found this awesome bike that was actually pretty similar to Scott's brand new one.  This has happened both times Austin wanted a new bike at DI!

Logan loves play kitchen and Kate was a willing participant.  It's hard to say no to Logan.

Family movie night, everyone has their own popcorn bowls. (Scott on the couch)


Ty and Logan playing Kinetic Sand

Logan loves Daddy.

And Kate.  And everybody,  Logan enjoys being the youngest!

Milkshake time--Kate, Logan, Scott

 Logan wearing Mom's shoes

Family Scriptures:  Logan, Dad, Austin, Kate