Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy Birthday Kate

Our girl is growing up--11!  We love our Kate so much.  She is such a great leader and example in our family.  She loves making people laugh, helping, and nurturing her brothers (and only teasing them occasionally)  It was so fun to get to celebrate Kate!

Kate's favorites:

Candy:  Skittles
Season:  All
Ice Cream:  Cookie Dough
Meal:  Tacos
Sports Team:  BYU
Subject in School:  Recess
Board Game:  Clue
Dessert:  Brownies
Movie:  Beauty and the Beast (the new one)
TV show:  Phineas and Ferb
Book:  Babysitter's Club
Hobbies:  Reading, soccer, legos, sew, crafts, jump on the tramp
Friends:  Brooklyn, Lucy, Kayli, Kassidy

Kate is starting to really take control of getting herself ready and making herself look nice.  She does a great job at it!

Kate was thrilled to get some new Babysitter's Club books (she even made her own "Kid Kit" to take babysitting)

We love you Kate the Great!