Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

We finally got over our sicknesses in time for Christmas.  Grandma Packer came to spend it with us.

She brought her juicer so we could make real orange juice.  We all loved it!

We also carried on our tradition of making gingerbread houses, here is Austin working on his.

Scott with his house.

Jeff always comes up with a modern design

Grandma was working on a delicious lasagna

Austin and Scott behind

Logan helped clean up, he loves to vacuum.

The kids dressed up and acted out the nativity.
Austin, Scott, Kate
Logan, Ty

Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus


Logan loving baby Jesus

Logan, Scott, and Austin leading us in a song

The kids each got to unwrap one present for Christmas Eve
It was a wonderful day as a family and a wonderful time to reflect on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.