Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning!

We didn't get going until about 7:30.  We had to wait for everyone to wake up.  Kate, Austin, Scott, and Mom all waited downstairs for a while.

Everyone checking out their stockings
Kate, Scott, Austin
Logan, Ty



Kate was VERY excited to get her very own mascara.  

Austin with Star Wars Lego set

Logan was very excited about his new Thomas the Train books

Austin was so excited about his new football receiver gloves

Austin eating some breakfast and putting toys together.

Ty trying out his new hot wheels track

Logan did not put this down all day.  He loved unlocking each door.

Kate looking a little too much like a teenager

Exhausted Logan

All of the kids got these pillows (soon to be called Whoopee Cushions), they may have been the favorite present. (Austin, Logan, Ty, Scott, Kate)

We had the best day!