Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall Randoms + a Dangerous Hike

The kids love playing out front now that the weather has gotten wild. Things have been up and going a bit more as far as coronavirus goes, but with fall, things are hinting at shutting down again. 

We had a leak in our bathroom from our washer upstairs. It was a mess to say the least, but we got it dried out, cleaned up, and replaced. It is nice that we are learning how to do some of these things.

Logan loves playing games. He and mom play games a lot of days.

Mom and Logan playing out front

Jeff is still working at home. Everyone has gotten used to it and it is working out.

During conference, Logan loved doing this 500 piece BYU puzzle with everybody

Dad and his work set up

We had a few peaches this year, not as many as last, but still maybe 30 - 60

Dad took the three oldest kids on a hike and from the sound of it, it was a good thing Mom wasn't there to freak out about kids being safe.

Kate and Austin