Tuesday, September 1, 2020

First Day of School

The kids have all been out of school (or doing online school) since March. Everyone was SO excited to start back up again.

Kate is going into 8th grade (and yes, kids are required to wear masks at school)

Ty in second, Scott in 6th, Austin in 6th, Logan in preschool (wearing his favorite shirt)

Ty has Ms. McDougal

Scott has Mr. Kjar (pictured Porter, Scott, Josh, Ryker)

Austin started in Ms. James' class, but moved to Mr. Kjar's so Austin and Scott could quarantine together if the time came.

Logan goes to Miss Kathryn's for preschool (Dad likes to call her Miss Kathryn Blanket)

 The kids have been SO happy in school this fall. We keep hoping it will last without getting canceled when Coronavirus cases pick up in the fall.