Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Fall Break in Oakley

For Fall Break, the Neiders invited us to go up to their family cabin with them near Oakley. We were thrilled to go up!
Austin, Scott, Logan

We were really loving the horses near the cabin.

(Mom may have been dreaming a bit)

The kids loved picking grass and feeding the horse. They also were taking down apples and carrots to feed the horses. Scott is below feeding the horse.

Mike demonstrating 

Mike, Dad, and Mom loaded up the machines (we took our trailer up) and went riding over at Smith and Morehouse. It was a little scary because we saw some hunters actually hunting on our ride (probably not the smartest ride) but it was beautiful (and VERY rocky). It was fun to explore a new place.

Mom on her four wheeler (Dad was nice enough to let her borrow his coat)

Dad and Mike took all the kids swimming at a place in Kamas while Jamie and Julie hung out at the house and read and relaxed. It was fantastic!

This creek ran right by the cabin

All of these boys loved playing together

Kate and Maisy built a fort together

It was such a great few days away. We enjoyed the Neider family so much!