Wednesday, October 2, 2024

4th of July and Last Day in DC

It was so cool to be in Washington DC for the fourth of July. We went to the parade in the morning. There were so many awesome bands and some cool representations from different countries. We got decent seats as well.

Logan and Ty finally got to see the Washington monument. We went to get popsicles because it was very hot and saw this on the way!

The bands were incredible!

We all especially loved the colonial band.

After the parade, we got some Subway for lunch, then headed to the Arlington cemetary. It was sadly closed, but we got to see it from outside the fence. There were protesters headed into DC, so Dad, Kate, Scott and Austin went down to talk to them. Mom stayed up the hill.

We also went to the Holocaust museum on the fourth. It was a very solemn place, but so powerful. It was Mom's favorite museum.

Dad got interviewed after the parade on some of his political views.

Then, that night, we went to the firework show. Fireworks went off over the Washington monument and it was incredible to be a part of it. We all loved seeing the patriotism all day in DC.

 We went so hard in DC. We walked and walked and walked! We were all exhausted by that night!

The next morning, we got up and took a train to Maryland.

This was actually at the very end of the trip after Washington DC. At the Salt Lake airport after we arrived, Mom and Logan were behind everyone else and we ran into Taysom Hill. Logan didn't know who he was, but the other kids were so sad they weren't with us!

It was such an awesome trip, we had so much fun together!