Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Big Durtschi Reunion

The kids were all so excited for the Big Durtschi Reunion at Rigby Lake. They love their cousins and especially loved getting to see some second cousins they don't get to see often.

Kate won pretzels in the candy guessing game.

Grandpa Durtschi planned two treasure hunts - one for the big kids and one for the little kids. 
It was a hit!

We all played the game Crew a lot. It is Mom's new favorite!

All of the teenagers slept outside together in hammocks, on tarps, etc.

The teenage clan had the best time together. Austin is on the right, second from the end.

They loved going outon the floating island together.

Logan was obsessed with making the river down to the water. He was intensely focused on this the entire time. Ty went off and on with helping here.

 We love our Durtschi family!