Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Snow Wall

On December 8th, we got up in a rush, hurrying to drive to Idaho for my sister, Melissa's baby shower. I was going to let Kate wake me up, but she decided to sleep in, so I wasn't ready to go at the planned time. We rushed to get ready, then opened the garage door and saw this. We couldn't figure out what it was. This picture doesn't do it justice because I was a few steps up, but it was a wall of snow between 6 and 7 feet tall! This was courtesy of some dear friends Mike Neider, Jadee Talbot and Ty Williamson


Unknown said...

Crazy! Your neighbors really love you! What did they do for fun before you moved in?

staci baker said...

That sounds like so much fun---Signs for Mayor, Snow Walls...I'm so glad you have some fun neighbors! It keeps things exciting!

Audrey said...

That's so funny! What's that saying, What goes around comes around? This so reminds me of something Jeff would have done! How hularious!

BECKY said...

Ha ha! I guess I missed the news that people from the neighborhood did it! I thought it fell off your roof or something... gee I'm dense! Do you know who did it?

And I like everyone else's comments... it IS something Jeff would do! Ha ha!

Julie Knowlton said...