Friday, February 29, 2008

Church Basketball

I coach the girl's church basketball team and yesterday was a sad day. It was the game to decide whether or not we go to regions, and I am not going to go into all the details, but it was not a fair game. I am just fine losing when the game is fair, but ooooh, I am angry when the game is not fair. Let me just say the refs openly admitted after the game that they were harder on us than the opposing team. You know though, I am not going to go into more details because I am finally starting to settle down, but it is just sad. Well, at least there are lessons learned for next season, and footsall starts soon (I guess that is indoor soccer) and I am REALLY excited about that! My girls did such a good job and all in all it was a really fun season.


Jamie said...

How long have you been coaching? That was a funny conversation the night of the Superbowl about church ball.
I'm sorry you guys lost. That's the worst when it's because of bad refs. I know, because my Utah football team has lost the last two years to BYU because of bad calls. j/k

BECKY said...

Jenny is the girl who is second from the left. See that angry look on her face? Yup, that's her.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the bad reffing. I bet your girls love having you as a coach though. And you must tell us what you ended up dressing up as for the Where's Waldo game. I'm dying to know!

Julie Knowlton said...

Julie, I am so sorry that both of our church basketball experiences have been a little tarnished. That is unfair. At least your girls had a fantastic coach like you!

Julie Knowlton said...

P.S. I love your quote.

Audrey said...

Sorry the reffing was bad, that's not fun at all! I'm pretty surprised that the refs would admit they didn't call it fair, sounds like it's time for a rematch! Have fun with soccer! Our YW basketball starts this month, I'm pretty excited.

MishMyBelle said...

Coach Julie...i love it! I am sorry your season ended. I love how competitive church ball gets...kind of cracks me up! I am playing in a church league, and although the play isn't very competitive, I still really love to win! I can't help myself! I played Speed the other night and found myself getting kind of reminded me of when we used to play.