Monday, February 11, 2008

I almost forgot...

  1. What is his name? Jeff
  2. How long did you date? 14 months
  3. How old is he? 27
  4. Who eats more? It is about a tie, except maybe me a little more--my appetite is endless with nursing!
  5. Who said I love you first? Jeff
  6. Who is taller? Definitely Jeff, I love his height, it is perfect.
  7. Who can sing better? Jeff is a great singer, especially when he is goofing off and goes soprano
  8. Who is smarter? I would have to say Jeff
  9. Who does the laundry? Me! Otherwise, I would really have nothing to do all day!
  10. Who pays the bills? We split, we each pay some, then we analyze our spending at the end of each month. It is probaby our favorite topic!
  11. Who sleeps on the right side? Jeff
  12. Who mows the lawn? Definitely Jeff! He won't let me! Probably because when we first moved into the house, I accidently had it on the shortest setting and our lawn looked ready for the army!
  13. Who cooks dinner? We both do, if it is a nice dinner, I do since I am home during the day.
  14. Who is more stubborn? Probably me, but we both have our stubborn topics.
  15. Who kissed who first? Jeff kissed me first. In his parents basement. That just makes me laugh.
  16. Who asked who out first? Jeff (You know Julie, there's 2 for 1 milkshakes at the Malt Shoppe tonight...) I love it!
  17. Who proposed? Jeff, at my home ski resort.
  18. Who has more friends? Definitely Jeff. He's so good at keeping track of his friends and he makes friends wherever he goes, it is fun because I can make friends with the wives.
  19. Who is more sensitive? ME!
  20. Who has more siblings? Me
  21. Who wears the pants? Tied -we have our different topics that we feel strongly about.

I love you Jeffrey.

I tag: Melissa, Sara, Heidi, Becky B


Sarah said...

Fun to learn more about you and Jeff. Happy Valentines day on Thursday! :-)

Jamie said...

Cheers! Fun to read about you and Jeff. I have hard time believing that Jeff is the smarter one (nothing personal, Jeff).

BECKY said...

Happy Valentine's Day indeed!

Melissa said...

I notice that I've been tagged, I don't want to rewrite all of the questions so how do I get them? I feel like a technological failure. I can't even text message faster than my own dad. I have other strengths I guess.