Monday, March 9, 2009

Impromptu Choir

This was the greatest thing! At church yesterday, they had an impromptu choir and anyone who wanted to could go up and sing. Jeff and I both went up and sang. I was so busy thinking how great it was and forgot to sing some of the time, but we had a good ole time. Yea for impromptu choir!


BECKY said...

I love Kate's crazy hair in the first two pics! And I love the swiffer one... what a good helper!
Gosh I miss Baby Kate... who isn't so much of a baby anymore!!

Valery said...

Can I get your recipe for bread?

Melissa said...

I love impromtu choir! ours was called the "hymnbook choir" and it was always really fun! Teagan loves to help mop too, our children are so much alike! You look so good!!! Your waist is so thin already, you are so amazing. You do everything and still loose weight, I'm so impressed

Audrey said...

I think you're the happiest person I've ever met! You just get so excited about everything, who would have thought that "impromptu choir" could make someone's day :) I wish I lived closer so that your happiness could rub off on me more!