Friday, April 17, 2009

You know you are tired when...

This morning Jeff and I were talking on the phone. I had it on speaker because I was feeding the boys. I started feeding the babies again and kind of zoned off--I forgot that Jeff and I were talking! Then Kate goes, "Where Daddy go?" and I said he was at work. Well, she started pushing buttons on the phone, I looked and saw it was on and on speakerphone, then I asked, "Jeff, are you still there?" I had completely forgotten we were on the phone. I don't know if I did this story justice, but it was HILARIOUS!


steveandemilee said...

Hey Jeff, your boss is wondering why you were on the phone all morning. ;)

P.S. Emilee and I are heading to the Tulane game this fall. We can't make it to the OU game, plus New Orleans is only a 12 hour drive from Miami. Let me know if you, or anyone else for that matter, want to go...

Karin said...

I can just see this happening...funny the 2 year old can focus longer that the exhausted mom.

By the way, I didn't think you were being nosy or anything :)

Melissa said...

funny! I love this story. I'm so glad you wrote about it, I sometimes forget what I'm saying in the middle of a sentence when I get too tired.

Jeff must have forgoten that he was talking to you too!

Jessica said...

Oh Julie!!
Just lay your head back......

"This too shall pass"

BECKY said...

Hilarious! I fall asleep when Aaron is talking to me sometimes. :) It makes him (and me) laff.

Wow, they really are getting bigger! Yahoo! And wow, you look hot, hot, hot in the sweats, baggy t-shirts and high heels. Almost redneck. :)

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

That is so funny.. they are getting so big. I thought they were dolls when Kate was on top of them. So cute three babies wow. What a women you are.

Taryn said... I am still laughing about this one...I have never been one of those people who had a hard time staying awake...until now! It's so fun to hear your stories with your twins too. I catch myself dosing off while feeding and jolting back awake.

Yes, when I am in the middle of feeding the girls, there are times when all heck seems to be going on! The frustrating thing is my two older ones get to fighting over something, and when they get to the pulling hair and slapping each other it's killer, because I can't pull them apart...I am stuck feeding a baby :)

Yes, I am only bottle feeding, I am loser I suppose, I just couldn't find it in me to nurse any of my kids. I know my limitations and I knew that if I wanted to be a 'nice' mom, I couldn't lose that much sleep or not be able to ever leave them with their dad, I LOVE having my husband nurture the babies too. Some of the most precious moments to me is moments he was snuggling them on the couch after feeding them. He works all day, and he misses out on so much, so him getting that chance to bond more at night is totally worth it for me.
With our others we just took shifts at night, but with the twins, we each take one. Funny thing is, we have found it kind of a nice time to talk. It's pretty much the only time we don't have anyone interrupting us!

Taryn said...

ohh's nice to hear it takes so log to feed the takes us the same amount of time. And lots of time it takes over an hour due to my sweet Roxy..she is the hardest kid to burp.
so do you find one takes more than the other? Ruby is up to 3 oz. and roxy wont take more than 2..even then we make her take two..otherwise she would want an oz every hour.

did the boys take to the first formula you gave them? I started with Similac Advanced, but it was too strong, it plugged them I changed them to similac sensitive and it's been great, however I have a whole bunch of similac advanced ready feed 2 oz bottles like you get at the hospital, and obviously no use for them. We bought like a case of 48 for at home, anyways, I am interested in selling them for like half of what I paid for them. Just thought I would ask.

Taryn said...

buggaboo that's a cute one! I don't know how much they weigh now, I go in again on the 12th for shots, I am thinking though that they are about 7 lbs. All of their up to 6 lb clothes are getting really snug. And they are starting to fit into the 0-3 month clothes on the 21st they were 6.6 and 6.3 Today would have been 40 weeks for them. All I could think of this morning when I was feeding them, is even though I am soooo tired, I am soooo glad to have them out of me :) and so glad that all night long I was sleeping on my stomach :)