Sunday, May 3, 2009

Some of Kate's recent favorites

Kate LOVES her brothers. She is doing this all day and just hugging and cuddling them. I love it. It is so fun to see her loving her brothers.
She loves having her hair done "pretty"--usually pigtails. She has to have them taken out before nap time or bedtime though and ends up with these great looking wings, I love them!

She likes to pretend to go to sleep in our bed.
And she loves this little baby stroller and her two babies that she just pushes around all day (along with all of her little treasures)
She definitely keeps us laughing!


Brenda said...

I can't believe how big the boys' eyes are. Beautiful. I love the dress up - think they are the cutest thing in the world - stage. Fun and it makes for great posing for photos! Cute fam!

Melissa said...

I agree with brenda, the boy's eyes are huge and pretty/handsome. :) I LOVE the one of kate holding Scott, the look on her face is priceless!

Dale and Tabitha said...

I can't wait to see your cute new bunch. I can now say a BUNCH. It is the best feeling when they adore there siblings. I was told that doesn't last. Hopefully we are not part of the odds.

Sheri said...

FUn! What a great big sister! I remember the days of the wings...after taking out pigtails! We used to say Talia looked like a puppy because they looked like floppy dog ears. Also, I love that she has TWO babies - very appropriate! And that she pushes them and her treasures around all day. You know, Cooper does that too! OK, we have a more manly, blue stroller, and he puts cars and airplanes in it....but still, so cute!