Monday, June 20, 2011

Kate's big dance recital

Kate worked so hard in dance this year and in May, had her big dance recital. We LOVED her dance teacher so much, she is so sweet and does so well with these little girls!

Kate and some of her little buddies.

My pictures didn't come out great, this was about the best I got!

Here are a couple of videos just taken from our camera. These are actually the dress rehearsal, and they came out MUCH better than the actual performance (so glad I took these too!)

Kate is on the far right, it's hard to tell.

We're so proud of our little Katie bud, she worked so hard all year! We love you Kate the Great!


Garth and Alicia said...

Soooo sweet. What a little darling.

Melissa said...

What is it about that sweet girl that makes me tear up??? She is adorable and just sweet and angelic, I love her! Come visit tomorrow or something. :)

Rachel said...

she's a doll Julie.