Sunday, June 19, 2011

Northanger Abbey...finally

Thank you Grandma Packer for telling me not to forget Northanger Abbey because, to be honest, I just was not interested in it. I never heard many good things about it, but I was very pleasantly surprised. I really loved the main characters, I REALLY enjoyed the humour (seems appropriate for this post) in the book, there were some really fun characters. I didn't realize the "ghost story" part of it would be really such a small part. I especially loved reading it just to have a new Jane Austen to read. I LOVE her writing so much and I loved having new material. I will definitely be putting this one on my shelf soon.

As far as the movie goes, I didn't go hog wild like I have in the past. For some reason, in the summer, I am not in the mood to watch as many movies. This one had great reviews, so I went for it and LOVED it. They stuck so closely to the book, and it wasn't very long (in relation to some of the other BBC Jane Austen movies). I really loved it and I think I will have to add this to my collection as well!

Thanks again Grandma!


Allison said...

You'd think that I'd have read this, but I haven't!! I'll have to get it this summer :)

Melissa said...

LOVE the movie, sometime I still day dream about it. :)