Saturday, December 17, 2011

Funny Kids

A little background: Whenever we are bathing the kids, I always tell them they need baths so they don't have stinky bums, so today we had this conversation...

Me: "When we get home, I'm going to hop in the shower."
Austin: "So you don't have a stinky bum?"
(Jeff thinks this is TMI, but I'm still laughing about it)

A few nights ago, Kate was struggling to finish her dinner. In an attempt at negotiation, she asked, "How about I just have 20 more bites, then I'm done?"

Tonight, it happened again, but she must be figuring things out because she asked for only 9 more bites.


BECKY said...

love them!!!!! and i hope you're showering daily... :)

Melissa said...

SO funny! Teagan comforted me the other day when I peed my pants..."it's okay mom, just change your pants and try better next time." I love it when you can hear your own voice in your kids! hahahahahahha