Monday, December 12, 2011

First Stitches

Scott got stitches for the first (and hopefully last) time this last October. It was SO sad! We don’t even know exactly what happened. Scott had split his lip earlier in the week a little bit. We were just getting ready to go to the desert (I’ll blog about that next) and were loading the car when I heard Scott crying THE cry (you know the one—where you know something is really wrong) and I went running. His lip was just gaping. We were about ready to go and tried to convince ourselves it was fine, but finally realized it wasn’t. We took him in and the nurses and doctor were so sweet. Scott was really brave too. They just numbed his lip and sewed him up without putting him under—he did not like that!

Then, they told me he would probably put up a fit at being held down, but he just laid there like such a good boy. We sang him songs and talked to him, and he was just mellow. It made me feel worse for him! The doctor did a great job though, and you can’t even tell anything happened!






Melissa said...

Wow, that is gruesome! I can't believe there is no scar!