Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How did this happen?

I still can’t believe my two tiny 3 1/2 pound babies are now 10 times that weight and are three years old! I say it all the time, but the miracle of life, growing, etc. always amazes me. It is so cool.
This is a picture of my sweet boys still in the hospital, just a few days old. They loved to be together from day 1 and still don’t like to be without the other
  • Are 100% potty trained—accident free for the most part. We are still working out a couple of kinks, but both love to do it themselves. They wear big boy pants at nap time now and stay dry most nights (best birthday present ever!)
  • Have THE sweetest cheeks ever. I’ve been pondering on their cheeks recently and how much I love them. I LOVE to kiss them and kiss them again, and cuddle cheek to cheek. (and luckily both Scott and Austin still love to cuddle!)
  • Both are REALLY into Cars right now. They love lining them up, driving them around, SLEEPING with them (my favorite) and just taking them everywhere.
  • Really love trucks and tractors. Everywhere we go, we are all on the lookout because both get so excited and always say (that’s like Grandpa Durtschi’s tractor)
  • Likes to be crazy—he is the more emotional one (for example last night at dinner, he was sobbing, the next minute, he said, “I’m not crying, I’m happy.” It wouldn’t have been so funny except this cycle happened about 3 times!)
  • He is SO proud of himself after he goes potty. He comes RUNNING out of the bathroom with a crazy laugh and big smile,
  • Which brings me to another point, he has a very infectious laugh and smile, he makes us all happier
  • is ALWAYS singing. My favorite is Praise to the Man, he sings this with a low funny sounding voice and breaks out really loud at the most random times, definitely my goofball!
  • Loves reading books and lately has been “reading” me books. Last night, he “read” me one pointing out all the s’s and k's—the only letters he knows. He tries telling the story but ends up bursting out laughing at random things
  • Was more nervous about going potty, but has been very methodical and rarely has an accident (although sometimes has a hard time getting it all in the potty, bless little boys!)
  • Loves playing babies with Kate. Lately we catch him putting his baby down for a nap and telling us all to be quiet.
  • The other day in church, he noticed a scratch I had on my hand—that was kind of nasty—he was so concerned about my owie, and even offered me a Toy Story bandaid (his special bandaids he got in his stocking). He then gave me a big kiss on my owie, he has such a good heart.
  • Loves to talk on the phone. He will pretend anything is a phone—including the air. He is talking to Grandma Lewis most of the time.
Another funny recent story. The other day, I heard Austin and Scott arguing:
Austin: I can fly
Scott: No you can’t fly
Austin: Yes I can fly
This went on for a while. I think my favorite thing was the passion in their voices as they said these things.

I adore these boys so much, I love the way they love each other, it melts me heart. I love Austin's hugs and when he says, "I love you mommy." I love when Scott says, "I want to love you" (which means he wants to cuddle). These are my special boys.


BECKY said...

It is amazing to think how far they've come. They're so handsome and smart; I'm so grateful they were so tough!!!

Melissa said...

Wow, they were so so so tiny! I love those boys, so much personality, they are a ton of fun!

Angie said...

Such big boys! That's awesome.