Thursday, May 19, 2016

Early Summer Fun

Dad gets out and plays with the 4 older kids most nights, they love that time.  Tonight, it was baseball, a lot of nights it is soccer, either way, it is a lot of fun!
 Austin making a great throw

Scott loving Logan

Ty gets lots of treats from our next door neighbor, Shannon, she loves him and spoils him!

Baby Logan really seeing Dad

Mom in reality...sleep deprived, rarely ready, but keeping that baby happy!

We got brave one day and walked over to the canal to see all the ducks and feed them.

There were three sets of mothers and baby ducklings.  I loved watching those little moms, looking all regal and protecting their little babies.  They weren't swayed even by the temptation of bread.  We went and visited them a few times.

Kate practicing with neighbor, Kayli for the fun run.

Ty woke up with this, yes it is dried blood!  I couldn't figure out what it was from and was really worried.  It ended up being from that tiny little cut on the left of his ear, just bled a lot!

Scott helping till the garden, dad even let him do a row by himself!?!

Fun with the McIntyres, these kids really love doing pyramids when they get together