Friday, May 20, 2016

How to choose one?

This kid is so funny right now.  Everyone in the family (and out of the family) gets such a kick out of him.  He has the most amazing facial expressions right now.

Ty is a really good talker, people understand him well in general.  However, lately the baby talk has come on in full force.  Logan's arrival was part of the inspiration, but Katarina Kitty Cat from Daniel Tiger was also the inspiration.  Ty says "Meow" a lot.  For example:  "I'm hungry, meow meow" The Meows take on different tones depending on emotion, there is a happy meow, sad meow, angry meow, and an excited meow.  It is pretty funny.

Ty is quick with his feet, he runs all over the place trying to keep up with his older siblings.  He loves being a big brother and is so sweet to baby Logan.  Even when he wasn't sure about him, he has never been anything, but sweet with him (too bad the same can't be said about his behavior towards his other siblings)  Ty loves to wrestle his older siblings and gets pretty rough.  He loves just jumping on and tackling.

Ty really loves his mom and dad although mom is his favorite right now (probably because Ty and mom have been buddies at home for so long).  Ty gets so excited when Dad comes home, running and giving him a big hug.

We sure love you Ty man!!