Wednesday, May 18, 2016

He is home!

Here is Logan, first day home!

For about a week postpartum, my feet were so swollen from having the IV for 24 hours

Ty adjusted pretty well, he definitely wanted to try out all of the baby stuff!

Not sure about brother yet though...

Ty spent lots of time with Dad while Mom spent hours and hours (and hours) of time taking care of the baby.  Dad took about a week and half off to help everybody adjust.

Kate ran home everyday to get lots of time with baby brother

Ty starting to think he might be okay...

Where baby and mom spent 8+ hours everyday!

We had a visitor when Logan was about 3 weeks old--family friend, Debbie Trump, it was so fun to see her!

Scott loving on baby brother

This is probably my favorite position, it is so sweet to feel baby snuggled up like this.

First outing!

First trip to the store--about 5 weeks old
sleepy sweet baby

Around 5-6 weeks, Ty decided his little brother was pretty awesome

Lots and lots of kisses, love, and help with baby now!

Logan is such a sweet baby, he sleeps pretty decently, from about 3 weeks old, he started having 6-7 hour stretches during the night.  He does love to take his time eating--typically one hour per feeding (and since he is sleeping so well, mom doesn't want to rock that boat!)  He is very calm and has such a sweet disposition, he doesn't fuss, just cries when he needs something (so when he even starts grunting, we come running).  We love having this sweet little boy in our family.  Starting to adjust.