Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August happenings

Jeff became an expert pickle maker!  

They were delicious!!

Scott learned how to take selfies

Baby Logan tried out his jumperoo

Ty became an expert raspberry jam stirrer

 Logan started solids

Ty playing with pattern blocks

Went to Murray park with the Lewis family

Jason and Sheri and family were in town

Ty really learning how to hold baby (lots and lots of kisses)

Austin LOVES holding Logan

We harvested corn--it was delicious pop-in-your-mouth corn YUM!

Scott sampling raspberries (we got our first good crop this year--about 8 batches of jam plus some frozen)

Kate was very instrumental in putting up peaches and raspberry jam

Neighborhood party at the park
Our special friend, Sister Schow holding Logan

The kids loved the bounce houses, they played on them the entire time
Austin coming down


Scott at a Dr. appointment holding Logan

Austin and Scott building a block fort

Grandma Packer came for a visit (and Logan grew some hair)


Life is good!