Thursday, August 18, 2016

Fun with the Birdsalls

We went to the Spash Pad in August

Aimee holding Logan

About a week later, we went to Trafalga together, it was such a fun day!
The kids LOVED driving the race cars, they went on this ride a few times.


Logan was pretty content to be out of the house


Austin, Scott

Ty on the roller coaster.  It was the first time they had ever gotten to go on that ride, they were pretty excited.

Ty loved the leapfrog.  He probably went on it 12 times.

Kate climbing the rock wall, it is one of her favorite things there

This line was a long one, but the kids enjoyed it.

Ty wasn't sure at first, but ended up thinking it was okay.

Austin loved it

Scott had a great time

Haylee and Kate at the top

Ty on the airplanes

Not pictured:  The older kids played Laser Tag with Aimee, they had a lot of fun doing that.  Then, Haylee and Austin B came home with us because they all weren't done playing.  They played for another hour or so.  We love the Birdsalls!