Monday, August 15, 2016

Fun Weekend in Idaho

We got to go over to Grandpa Durtschi's house and play on their new pond.  The kids were in heaven.  Kate in the front, Ethan behind.

Ty and Austin in the boat

Kate, Scott, Austin

Kate, Austin in back left, Scott back right in Grandpa's 4x4

Ethan, Austin, Scott

Zac and Melissa also hosted an Olympics for their neighborhood (the real Olympics just finished)

Me, Melissa, and neighbor Courtney about to run the 100 meter dash.

The men before their distance run

All the new babies!  Leo, Logan, and Theo

 All the kids lined up to hear the instructions

Ty and Ellie's 100 meter dash

Austin, Scott, Jax (I believe Austin got 2nd, Scott got 3rd)

Kate and Teagan's group (can't remember who won)

Ty and Ellie's group for long distance run (once around the cul-de-sac)  Ty did so good, he ran the whole time, it was adorable!

Austin and Scott's group (I believe they had to go around twice).  Austin got first in this one, Scott second!

Austin in the lead!  Scott is right behind and ended up passing some people to come in second.

Ty during the bike race, he didn't participate in that one, just rode around the cul-de-sac

All the kids lined up to hear the awards ceremony

Angie and I helped Melissa hand out medals (made of Mason Jar lids)

Scott holding up one of his medals

Ty holding up his medal

All of the kids with their medals.  Melissa had a regular national anthem song picked out, but couldn't find it, so chose a different one where a lady was really belting it out star style.  Funniest moment:  Melissa tells kids to sing along--the kids did try :)

After us siblings and kids hung out at Melissa's.  It was so nice.  Here is Jake with Logan and Leo on the mat, Addie supervising.  These littles are so cute!

All the kids on the tramp.

List of Events:
100 Meter Dash
Long Distance Run
Bike Race
Long Jump
Soccer Ball Kick
Discus (Frisbee) Throw
Shotput (Baseball)
Floor Routine
Trampoline Tricks

Such a fun weekend!