Monday, October 31, 2016


Halloween was so fun!  Kate, Scott, and Austin decided to do a Star Wars theme.  Here is Kate in her Princess Leia costume,  We made it this year and were pretty proud of our work!

Austin in his Darth Vader costume practicing piano

 Kate in the school parade

Austin in the school parade

Scott in the school parade, one of his friends was Darth Vader so they made sure to stand by each other.

Kate and her whold class.

We went trick or treating at 5 pm because it was a school night.  Here is Dad pushing Ty and Logan. (Ty was Michelangelo, Logan was a pumpkin)

We went with a big group--the McIntyres, the Ruggs, and the Hartles.  It was a really fun night!

Scott with his pile


Logan didn't quite make it through the night, we walked home early.  He was so cute in this costume, our last little pumpkin!

 These kids had a lot of fun.  The older 3 were running house to house clear to the end.  Ty got a little tuckered out and was just happy hanging out in the stroller eating his candy.  Such a fun night!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Getting ready for Halloween

Here we are carving up 4 pumpkins. The kids each chose a pattern and we cut them out.

Everyone was very focused and worked really hard on this!

The finished product (Scott's, Ty's, Kate's, Austin's)

Scott, Ty, Kate, Austin

Halloween was on a Monday, so we had a big party on Saturday night.  Melissa, Zac and family came down, Joe and Whitney came over and we had a great time!  We played minute to win it games, sat around and chatted, and most importantly, had a BIG dessert night.  Melissa, Zac, and I have all been participating in a Fitness Challenge where you can only have sweets one day a week.  We decided to really go all out for this night.  Whitney brought a pumpkin pecan cobbler, Melissa brought caramel apples dipped in candies and a pumpkin roll, we made Oreo balls, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and a fudge cookie casserole.  They were all so delicious!!!  We had such a fun night!!

It was so nice out, these 3 were such pals and had so much fun together!

For the party, this was one of the minute to win it games, bouncing ping pong balls into buckets.

The kids all playing Lincoln Logs together downstairs.

Fun times!

Friday, October 28, 2016


I was nursing the baby and Ty came in and told me he would like some milk too.  I told him, "Okay, come here."  He kind of looked over and said, "Actually I don't want any."

He followed this up with, "I'm really thirsty for a glass of milk."

I was curling my hair and Scott came in and was hanging out with me.
Scott:  Is that curling iron hot?
Mom:  Yep
Scott:  Do you think it could melt an ice cube?
Mom:  Yes, but it's not a toy, so we wouldn't do that.
Scott:  What if we were in an ice cave in an ice storm and there was something really special outside               that we needed?
Mom:  (after a pause)  Yep, I guess we would have to use it then

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Daytime Fun

These 2 boys are pretty darn cute

Logan really loves Ty, he thinks Ty is pretty hilarious!

Shopping at Macey's

Having the Bolke's over

Making lots of elaborate train tracks

The king of facial expressions

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Magic, and More

Kate hold Logan a lot 

 Family Home Evening, reading the Friend

We taught the kids how to play Settlers of Catan, they like it pretty well!

 The kids play together so well (most of the time).  Here they are playing Lincoln Logs

The kids planned a big magic show for us.  They had tickets and everything!

Scott was Kate's assistant.

Everyone playing Sorry (Logan really wants in on this)