Thursday, October 20, 2016

Fall Randoms

Ty has been loving the blocks, him and dad here are building a road for his car.

Logan really watches Ty a lot, he is so quick to smile and laugh to him, you can tell they are going to be best buddies!

Baby started to take baths (this picture may need to be taken off?? Comments are welcome!)

                                         Ty and baby playing, this is a very common scene

Ty on top of Austin on top of Scott

Scott blowing up his prize (we have a basket of special prizes the kids can earn for extraordinary things)

Ty sleeping with his prize--a flashlight pumpkin

Ty loves playing sports, he really loves this little blue football and often asks Mom to play with him.

Training baby early

Baby Logan is growing!! All done with the bouncer

We canned some peaches this year, generous friends shared some with us.

Baby found his toes!  Love at first sight! 

Grandpa Durtschi was up helping Whitney and Joe with a project, so we drove up to see him.  Logan thought Grandpa was alright!

Ty making sure Logan's jumperoo was structurally sound

Scott holding Logan

Ty helping put away chairs at Stake Conference.  He dragged this chair clear across the floor.

Dad and Logan at Rick and Micah's house