Saturday, October 29, 2016

Getting ready for Halloween

Here we are carving up 4 pumpkins. The kids each chose a pattern and we cut them out.

Everyone was very focused and worked really hard on this!

The finished product (Scott's, Ty's, Kate's, Austin's)

Scott, Ty, Kate, Austin

Halloween was on a Monday, so we had a big party on Saturday night.  Melissa, Zac and family came down, Joe and Whitney came over and we had a great time!  We played minute to win it games, sat around and chatted, and most importantly, had a BIG dessert night.  Melissa, Zac, and I have all been participating in a Fitness Challenge where you can only have sweets one day a week.  We decided to really go all out for this night.  Whitney brought a pumpkin pecan cobbler, Melissa brought caramel apples dipped in candies and a pumpkin roll, we made Oreo balls, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and a fudge cookie casserole.  They were all so delicious!!!  We had such a fun night!!

It was so nice out, these 3 were such pals and had so much fun together!

For the party, this was one of the minute to win it games, bouncing ping pong balls into buckets.

The kids all playing Lincoln Logs together downstairs.

Fun times!