Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cute Stories

The girl we carpool with got in the car and said, "I have a little cold."
Logan likes her, and trying to be conversational replied, "I'm actually pretty warm."

Mom picked up Logan from preschool and asked who Logan played today. He replied, "I played with toots."  (Logan laughed pretty hard after this, thinking he was hilarious).  Mom tried again to ask how the day was and Logan replied similarly.

Logan kept saying, "I played with toots" over and over and Mom tuned him out.  After about the fifth time, Logan asked Mom why she wasn't listening.  Mom replied, "I can't hear you when you are using so much potty talk."  Logan replied in his very sweetest voice, "Mom, can I please play with toots?"

Pleasant Surprise:
Scott walked in the door from school and saw a friend standing in our house.  He commented, "Well, this is a pleasant surprise."  (This is so Scott!)

My Favorite Car
About 1 year ago, we were driving by the church in the van.  The whole family was in the car.  Kate pointed to a hearse in the church parking lot and exclaimed, "There is my favorite car!  I want to have one someday!"

Warm Boy
Ty is a boy that loves to be warm.  You can always count on him to put on a sweatshirt or sweater at every opportunity (including every day in the summer).   He may wear shorts, but for sure always needs a warm shirt. Mom gave up explaining that the weather would eventually get warm and maybe he wanted a tshirt on underneath because Ty always insists on a warm shirt.  Luckily, now the weather is getting warm.