Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving in Idaho

We got to go up to Idaho for Thanksgiving this year.  It was so fun to be there for the long weekend!  We stayed for two night at Jake and Angie's and two nights at the Daniels house.  It was great to get to spend time with different families.

Here is Austin, Logan, and Ty all sleeping on a queen bed with Scott sleeping on the couch next to them.

Angie gave Kate the treatment with her fancy gel nail polish

Uncle Jake helped Logan play the Nintendo switch.  Naturally, Jake was Logan's best friend!

The kids love playing with Greta

At meal time.  Grandma Packer also stayed at Jake and Angie's so we had a fun time with her.

Logan loves Grandma Packer and loves playing games with her!

At Brian's house, the kids loved building with Brian's foam blocks.  The kids love playing together!

We went swimming at the pool where Whitney and Joe and Alicia and Garth were staying.  It was a lot of fun!  Logan and Everly loved being carried around the pool by Grandpa.

Ty loved trying to jump in at the perfect moment to really give people a big splash.

Logan getting ready to play outside

The dessert spread, yummy!

The kids planned a wedding ceremony for Logan and Everly.  Logan was all in, Everly was unsure.

We had a very fun time with family!  It was a great weekend!