Thursday, November 28, 2019

Randoms from Dad's Phone

Ty with some glowsticks in our new trailer, camping at the sand dunes.  It was so windy the first day that we hung out in the trailer most of the time.  If we did go out, we wore goggles so we didn't get stuff in our eyes.

Dad is becoming the concrete man.  He put this sliver of concrete in so that it wouldn't be such a pain rolling garbage cans in or the lawn mower to the backyard.  It did the trick!

The kids always come help with projects.  Here, we are throwing some more gravel on the pad in the back.

Mike pulling Dad's dirtbike after it broke down.

Brrrr.  We woke up the morning we were coming home and there was snow on the ground!  It was a cold messy morning, but definitely memorable!

Very typical sight.  Kate reading in a random spot.  This could be typical of any of the three older kids

Stake conference

Mom and Kate setting up the Christmas tree.

Logan carefully examining all of the Christmas cards

The kids love making intricate tracks with the Legos

Dad drinking Coke that is about 50 years old.  It was pretty disgusting!

Logan with his foot stuck in a cone on the scooter.  Doesn't seem dangerous at all.