Saturday, July 18, 2020

Big Durtschi Reunion

We had the big Durtschi reunion this year--the one with all of Mom's cousins. We always have so much fun. This year, we went to Rigby Lake and stayed for a couple of nights. There was this little creek running by the campground, so Dad took Kate and Austin (on different trips) down. It was a little technical at the end trying to get out, but both kids were able to do it.

Ty spent all day every day feverishly working on the sand rivers. There was a hill in the main location and the kids loved it, although some took it very seriously (like Ty and Addie)

Alfie, Logan, and Everly eating some breakfast together.

These boys loved playing one of Grant's games (Austin, Scott, Willie- Blake's boy, Grant)

All the teenage cousins and second cousins LOVED hanging out

Kate holding Heidi Sitake's baby

 We had such a great reunion. Mom loves reconnecting with cousins and seeing everybody.