Saturday, July 25, 2020

Oregon Day 3 - Cape Lookout Hike + Cape Meares Lighthouse + Oceanside

One of the hikes we had heard about and really wanted to do (especially Dad) was the Cape Lookout hike. It is a hike that hikes out over a peninsula over the ocean with some spectacular views. It was a pretty decent sized hike at 4.7 miles, but the kids really did awesome.

Scott and Austin

It was very muddy in a lot of parts, so Dad carried Logan over some of those.

Scott found some leaves that looked just like hearts. We were all blown away at how green and lush it was. We felt like we were in a jungle.

Kate, Scott, Austin, Dad standing on the edge of a cliff (Mom was nervous!!)

After this hike, we headed to Oceanside Beach. They have a cave that connects one side of the beach to the other and the only way to get through is by walking through the tunnel in low tide. It was pretty neat.

Austin, Scott, Kate

We walked to the end of the beach after walking through the tunnel and found this small cave. There were a lot of shells in there. Logan was DONE by this point, so we didn't stay here long. You'll notice that in almost all of the pictures everyone is wearing jackets and coats. It was cold! Some days were not as cold, but you for sure just brought a jacket (or in Mom's case, a coat) everywhere. If it was windy--like at Oceanside), you definitely needed something.

Close by was Cape Meares Lighthouse. We loved finding different lighthouses and looking at them (especially Mom).
Mom, Kate, Scott, Austin, Logan