Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Summer Randoms

We did an adjusted girls camp (more like a day camp) at our house. We had a great time. Here we are playing some nine square.

Kate and Kayli did a couple of bake sales this summer. They made $88 at one of them!!

Scott and Jax traded places one week, we had Jax and Scott was with Jake and Angie. The boys had so much fun together!

Scott got to go camping and riding down the river for a few days.

We went to the Kearns water park one of the days. The kids all had a riot.

Jake brought Scott back and stayed overnight. These boys have so much fun together

I think this was pictured in another post, but this was the initial leak and when we started cutting out the ceiling. Not a fun day!!

Logan loves the Hortons. Ethan and Kate are some of his favorite playmates.