Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun Weekend

Sadly,no pictures to document it. We started out Friday night at a cabin with Mike, Jaime, and Annie. It was SO nice! First Jaime and Mike made us such a good meal--you name it, it was there. Chicken Shish kebabs with peppers, onions, and pineapple (YUM), corn on the cob, strawberry salad (I need the recipe), french bread, and brownies for dessert. Sorry I don't cook like that Jeff. For us, a good meal is one of those, I just don't have the side dishes down yet. Anyway, it was so nice to relax, watch the Olympics, talk, and then to go four wheeling in the morning. (Jeff loved it, I was really nervous because we had Kate so we didn't last that long--had to say it because I knew Mike would call me on it) Thanks guys, it was so fun!

Then, on Saturday, we went to a water park--which I have been wanting to do all summer! We went with some friends from our ward and had a great time. We went last year and Kate didn't want to do much--she was only about 5 months, so this year, it was fun because she just loved it! She was squealing down the slides and splashing in the water. It was so much fun! It was a great weekend, I don't know if we can beat it.


Em said...

That does sound like a fun weekend! I was sad that we missed the cabin. Maybe we can still try to get a hike in before it gets cold?

Julie Knowlton said...

I have such sadness that we didn't go to the cabin.

AmyB said...

You can plan on staying with us if you do come down this way! We would love it! If you don't want to,that is fine but we would love it and Eric would really love it !!

Melissa said...

That sounds so fun! Thanks for the amazing directions! The boys got to the airport without any problems. Now we have the internet so I won't be bugging you for directions anymore. :) I'm jealous that you have friends...I might have to learn spanish to make any here...that isn't racist, it's fact. :) We'll talk to ya soon.

Jamie said...

You're too nice. We loved hanging out with you guys. How fun was I on Saturday? Love that I just randomly went to bed again and woke up after you left. So cool of me.

I loved that we got to hang out and chat. You're so fun to be with. Thanks for listening to me talk SO much.

staci baker said...

Sounds like tons of fun! I'm so glad that you got to do that. I can just imagine Kate at Seven Peaks going crazy in the water!