Monday, August 11, 2008

Flag Football Champions

Last Saturday (the 2nd), Jeff's old high school had its first Alumni Flag Football Tournament. Of course, Jeff and his friends all put together a team and they all played really well! Such chemistry has never been seen before.

Of course, there was not a smile all day long, this was serious business.
Bryant kicking a field goal (which was good by the way)
And finally, with the win, they all can relax a little bit.
They won first place out of the 2010-1998 years! Pretty impressive that the old guys win!
Good job!


BECKY said...

"Such chemistry has never been seen before" HAHAHAAHHHAHHAH!!!!!!!

Brenda said...

You are a blogging FOOL.... slow down, you are making me look bad :)

Lacey said...

no surprise, those boys are crazy competitive and prideful, i don't want to think what they would have done if they had lost. jk looks like fun and that is pretty impressive that the old guys won.

Audrey said...

Go Jeffy! We got the rundown from big Al and I was hysterical, you guys are so funny!

Jamie said...

These guys just crack me up. They were so serious about it. LOL! Fun that their dedication gave us a reason to all get together. Cute pics!

Julie Knowlton said...

Remember when Branigan pretended to be me to get those pictures from you? That was awesome.