Well, we have had an interesting past month! It kind of started before Christmas. Right before we went down to California, I had a doctor's appointment and my cervix was starting to thin, but my doctor thought I was still fine to go down as long as I took it easy.
When we got back, I had another appointment and my cervix was measuring short again so they had another appointment in a few days. They did a test that predicted that I would go into labor in a few weeks that came back positive (meaning I was at risk to go into labor in the next few weeks.) So, they told me to take it even easier--no house work (dangit) and just very easy.
Well, later that week, I was in labor and delivery, and by that point, I was 70-80% effaced and dilated to a 1 1/2. After that, I was on full bed rest.
The next week at my appointment, I was effaced to 80% and dilated to a 3. I was supposed to come back in two days and if I was dilated more, they were just going to admit me to the hospital. I came back two days later, and I was dilated to a 4+ so they admitted me. (With Kate I was dilated to a 5 before I went into labor, so we were hopeful I could last a little longer)
I was in the hospital 6 days and then I went into labor. I was sent down to labor and delivery and they tried to stop me. They slowed down the contractions, and sent me back upstairs. Then the contractions picked up again and they sent me back to labor and delivery and just let me go.
After that, I quickly dilated, they sent me into the delivery room and both babies came out at surprisingly good weights! One was 4, the other 3lb 7oz. We were pretty excited about that!
I am recovering really well, I have been home since Thursday and it is so nice to be home and be able to be with my family again and walk around. The babies are doing really well in the NICU. They are both off oxygen, one was on a low dose for under 24 hours, but now they are both off. They are handling food well and continue to increase the amount they can handle. We just think they are the sweetest little boys. They are so precious and are so tiny it is hard to believe. We get to hold them once a day for an hour each and it is so great. They are just such sweet boys!
We also want to say thanks for all of the prayers and support through the last little while. We have felt them so much. We feel so blessed how everything went, while not ideal, it just went so great. I usually am not spiritual on the blog, but I do want to say I know our Heavenly Father knows each of us and helps us. We feel so blessed and are so grateful for our precious boys.
Also, in other news, I won that stroller! I can't believe it! I am really excited about it! Thanks Sara for letting me know about it! I guess we will have to wait and see until it gets here, but they let us know we won yesterday and I am just very excited! (Refer to the post 2 down)
Getting ready to go into the operating room. They took me in there because it is right by the NICU so they could pass the boys right through the window. I personally wish Jeff would wear this all the time!
Me and Kate after. I don't know how some girls look so good after delivery, and sadly I am not one of them. I have other strengths...
This is before they were named (which was earlier today). We wanted to be able to tell them apart, so this is Scott.
And Austin. They both love their binkys.