Sunday, June 14, 2009

Interrupting Cow

Have you heard the joke that goes like this:

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Interrupting Cow

(the person gets interrupted in the middle of saying who) I think this is the funniest joke. This used to describe me because I am a terrible interrupter.

But, I have recently gotten worse and there is a new commercial out that reminds me of what I have become. It is the one (for all you tv watchers) where the guy has a new laptop that is really small. He is sitting on a park bench next to a girl with a regular sized laptop. She keeps trying to comment on his laptop and he cuts her off first word and keeps finishing her sentences. It bugs me just to watch the commercial!

Anyway, sorry to all of you out there that I am constantly interrupting. That is on my to do list, to not interrupt so much. I thought if I wrote it on here, then I really will be held accountable!


Brenda said...

I interrupt too. Bad, bad habit. My question: How can I expect my children to not interrupt me if I interrupt them? Gotta work on this one.

Melissa said...

ME TOO! It is so hard to resist, we can help each other, I am way worse than you though!