Sunday, July 26, 2009

Done pumping...almost

I have such mixed feelings about quitting pumping. It has not been that fun, but I do love giving my babies my milk and I like knowing that it helped them along a little bit. I decided to quit though a week and a half ago. I haven't pumped since then, so I thought my milk supply was diminishing pretty good. The last few days, I have been getting pretty uncomfortable though so I decided to pump tonight and I got over 10 oz! I couldn't believe it! Especially because it has been a week and a half! Almost there.

In other news, the boys weighed 15 lbs on our scale! The method isn't 100% though--we will weigh ourselves holding the babies, then not holding the babies and subtract. Still, they have got to be close to that! I can't believe it because Kate was only 16 or 17 lbs at 1 year and they are only 6 months. Kate's only at 25 lbs and also I think both Scott and Austin's heads are close to the same size as Kate's, I might have to put a picture up of this because it is pretty funny!


Dale and Tabitha said...

Me too....I am sad about it.

Beth said...

A milestone, to say the least. Bittersweet, I'm thinking. I'm hoping this makes your life simpler and more enjoyable. Good job, Julie!

Raquel said...

thats awesome that you lasted 6 months! i lost all mine at the 2-3 month mark. its sad.
sounds like your boys are really growing. if you ever come up this way we def should get together

Melissa said...

WOW, they are getting so big! Kate is just a petite little princess and the boys are muscley men!

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for being done pumping. You must feel liberated! You should throw the pump off a major cliff for family nighit tonight!

BECKY said...

Wow, I can't believe they weigh that much... that's so great! Do post pics soon. I miss seeing you guys but the blog somehow makes me feel like we're still neighbors somehow!

Sandy said...

I think it took me a whole month after I stopped pumping for my body to stop producing milk totally. So if I wore a sports bra too tight, I would still get some leakage.

Pumping was hard for me too. It isn't as rewarding as nursing but I felt guilty when I stopped.

daegan said...

maybe instead of making pudding you could save on milk for cereal during family breakfast!

staci baker said...

FREEDOM!!!! I remember feeling the same way last August when I quit--a little sad, but mostly so relieved of a TIME CONSUMING process! Yay for you!