Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If you were a fly on our wall...

You might hear:

"Lets not pull Austin by his head"

"Don't play in the toilet water"

"What a big poo poo ________!" (Insert Kate, Austin, or Scott)

"Don't get in Mommy's scriptures" (This one is said at least once a day)

"Oh, that is so sad..." (I love Love and Logic) or "Uh Oh"

And my favorite from Kate:
"I love you very much ________" (insert Mommy or Daddy)


Melissa said...

Haha! I wish I were a fly on your wall!

Jamie said...

So cute! If Kate's getting into your scriptures, it probably means they're out from you reading them. Good for you!

And I'm sad with you about being done nursing. Isn't it so bittersweet? I remember being so anxious to have my body back to normal, but feeling so sad at the same time that that stage of life with Annie was already over. It all goes by too fast, doesn't it?

Beth said...

"The days are long, but the years are short." That is, how it is with kids. Glad to see that you are enjoying life with a great sense of humor.

BECKY said...

How wonderful that you congratulate your children on their poo poos. :)

staci baker said...

Loved it! Thanks for reminding me about Love and Logic. I need to refresh on it and implement it again. And I'm also glad that someone else's 2-year-old (well, Peyton is almost 2) still gets into the toilet! ;)

staci baker said...

P.S. And at least you can say "Don't pull Austin by his head" instead of, "What did I tell you about pinning Peyton down and sitting on his head?" or "Tell me about what happens when we open the front door and let our brother out while Mommy isn't watching." ;) Just you wait until those boys start running around.... ;)

Melissa said...

You forget to insert Julie or Jeff on "What a big poo poo"

Sheri said...

Isn't family life a kick?!?!?!?!

Rach said...

I love your blog. We miss you guys so much and wish we could live closer to you!
I LOVED seeing all the pictures of Scott, Austin, and Kate. I can't believe how big they are all getting. And I can't believe you have three kids...you are amazing!

Amy said...

Hey you Lewis Jollies--

It's fun to see what you guys are up to. You are the perfect parents for twins--I'm sure all the kids will want to hang out at the Lewis's. We've seen all those bedrooms in that house of yours, looks like there's room for more.

Darrell and Amy