Saturday, January 14, 2012

Other Random Decembers

We started (and quit again) potty training. It went much better this time though. I think we’re getting closer (Scott left, Austin right)
Picture taken out, sorry Scotty :)

Had a visit with Whitney and Joe (favorites in the kids’ eyes)
Caught some sweet moments—these two love getting in bed together. Oh, I love it! Austin left, Scott right038
Austin left, Scott right
Do boxes ever lose their fun? I don’t think so!
Watching my pretty girl grow up
Catching the kids playing ALL THE TIME in here. It is under the coffee table between the couches. I just hope there are no spiders down there! (Austin, Scott)
Scott, Austin
Scott front, then Kate, Austin back
The kids are growing up. Austin recently started saying prayers all by himself. It is so sweet. He talks so much and also talks in this funny voice when he is being serious, it makes me smile every time.
Kate is loving school so much and is tolerating dance. I think we will try sports next year :)
Scott is still our jolly happy boy. He makes everything light and silly.
All love reading books. They’ll sit and have me read for 45 minutes if I will! I hope they continue to be book lovers like their mama. All three also ADORE babies. Any time there is a baby around, they want to be holding, talking, etc. They also have been just loving each other. They always are hanging out, running downstairs and sneakily trying to start a movie to watch together, or just playing in boxes (best free entertainment ever). It makes me so happy. I just hope it lasts!