Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Catheter for Those of us with Weak Bladders

When is the last time you had an "accident"? Mine was tonight and every Wednesday night for the last little while. I wouldn't call it a complete "accident," just partial. The cause is a soccer game. When I was younger, if I laughed too hard, I lost it, and after I had Kate, sports have started to get to me. I have been thinking for some time to get a portable catheter and just carry the bag in my purse, but what to do with the bag during the soccer game is really a problem. Oh my gosh--I am going to invent this! I will design it so that you can wear the bag as a belt around your waste and the liquid will spread evenly around your waste (which will be nice for a cold night) and I am also going to make an alternate design like a camelbak. It would save a lot of trouble and time--nobody likes to take time out of their busy day to go to the bathroom and I am going to call it...The Catheter for Those of us with Weak Bladders. If any of you have a nice name suggestion, I will gladly take it.


Jessica said...

Oh man - I am soo sorry! Good Luck with that. I will rack my brain....

Nate and Marcie said...

I love it! I have noticed the same problem while jumping on the trampoline, could the belt work for that?

Meghan said...

You are too funny Julie! Only YOU could talk about something like that and CRACK me up!

Sandy said...

Ever since I have been pregnant my bladder has gotten really weak and I sometimes I have accidents when I sneeze. I have started taking marshmallow herb (you should be able to find at a health food store) and it has helped a lot. The marshmallow herb is suppose to help strengthen the bladder walls.